Thursday, February 3, 2011

Characteristics that define an ideal life partner

Almost everyone is looking out for an ideal partner to spend his or her life with.  But the problem always is, how to figure out if he/she is that ideal partner for you.  Even after a long courting period most of the couples are not sure and many times end up marrying the wrong person. Being in love with someone does not guarantee he/she is the right person for you. Listed below are just a few tips that would help you in deciding on a partner.

1.    Look out for common interest  - To be able to spend your entire life with someone you need more than just love.  Common interests such as traveling, trekking, photography to name a few or even cooking for that matter will help you in doing exciting things together and help in breaking the monotony of daily life. There is much more fun in doing things that you enjoy, with your partner. It also helps in strengthening the bond between you.

2.    Can you accept the person as he/she is: The most important thing to know is whether you are ready to accept the person as he/she is as today. Marrying somebody and then expecting them to change for you later will only lead to problems. It is important for you to know what are the things you dislike in a person, how much do they really matter to you and will you be able to live with those for the rest of your life. Of course after marriage and with time everyone makes adjustments and eventually changes do happen but expecting them will only lead to disappointments and arguments.   

3.    Is he/she prepared for marriage: Marriage is a life long relationship and needs complete commitment from both the partners. Like any other relationship it needs to be worked upon to make it work. Someone who is not yet ready to tie the knot will certainly face issues making it work and might not be that committed after all.

4.    How well does he/she communicate or understand you: The first rule of a healthy married life is honesty and trust. And this can only be developed with a fair and clear communication between the partners. Clear communication also helps in reaching an understanding about each others likes and dislikes which is quite important.  Miscommunication or not communicating on feelings, fears and doubts will only lead to misunderstandings and problems.

5.    Is he/she well behaved: How does a person behave with others, parents, colleagues, strangers, friends to a large extent help in knowing what/how that person is. A well-mannered person will certainly never be disrespectful to you in life. You will be able to figure out his/her ideologies and likes and dislikes to a large extent by observing his behavior.

6.    How does he/she behave with people below him:  Someone who is disrespectful to people working below him/her like, security guards, watchman, auto drivers etc. might just be rude to you as well. It tells a lot about his beliefs, thinking and ideals. Everyone irrespective of his or her work needs to be treated well.

7.    His/her family background: Though this is the least that matters but still it plays a pivotal role in making a marriage successful. A common family background, values and upbringing help in quicker adjustments to each other and the family after marriage. Different ideologies, values and status only make things a little difficult at the start.

Even if you find some of these things missing in a person you can still go ahead if you really like him/her. Its just that then be prepared to work harder and face more difficulties in making things work after marriage.

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